A downloadable game

The story of Mechanica Maris follows a robot named D4N13L DR055, created originally to take care of the children of his creators Virginia and Edison Dross. Potentia Robotics had been an influential force in not only the development of technology in the new world, but also the economic state of the country due to the automation of many jobs that were originally taken care of by humans. Neighboring countries saw this as weakness, and when war is declared and a Potentia Robotics’ project goes awry in an effort to protect the country, it’s up to D4N13L to maintain and protect the children that he has come to love and adore alongside his robotic counter part 3R1K4 DR055. Join him as he repairs the submarine that they have called home the last hundred years and protect the children with his life-- if you can call it that.

How to Play: WASD to move, left click to attack, space to jump.


PackageMaris.zip 730 MB

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